The Trinidad and Tobago Electric Commission was paying too much for power. The solution would come in the form of a brand new 225-megawatt power plant owned and operated by InnCogen, which would be the first ever independently-owned power plant in Trinidad and Tobago.
Conti managed the construction of the new independent power plant. Conti was the program manager and served as the owner’s representative throughout construction, partnering with the development firm. This plant is comprised of three GE Frame 7EA natural gas-fired combustion turbines in simple cycle arrangement, located on 8 acres of the Innercob Industrial Estate in Brechin Castle, Couva.
The facility’s power generated was stepped up to 132kV for connection to T&TEC through a substation located adjacent to the project site. Each gas turbine generator has a step-up transformer to match the generator 13.8 kV output to the transmission grid at 132 kV. Each gas turbine generator has a local microprocessor-based control system to operate the turbine, generator and auxiliaries. Local controls were tied to a central control room system that controls the balance of plant equipment. NOx emissions are controlled by dry low NOx combustors on the turbines.
The project was safely completed on time and budget. The team provided complex logistics management as this plant is in a remote location where crews, equipment and other resources needed to be transported in from around the world.
Key features of the project included: