
At the core of everything we do is ensuring a safe work environment for our employees and partners. Across everything that we do, both in the field and in the office, safety is an integrated business function for the prevention and well-being of our staff and project partners. Conti Federal is committed to sending everyone home in good health each day. From physical hazards to mental health and wellness, safety is a way of life at Conti Federal.

Integrity & Honesty

We value open and honest communication with our clients, partners, and employees. We place a premium on being transparent and sharing information clearly and quickly. Communication is at the foundation of our company, even if it may cost us money or opportunity. These deep-rooted principles and our pride in our reputation ensures that we say what we mean and mean what we say.

Learning & Progress

Ensuring that every employee has the opportunity for career development and success is directly linked to the growth of the company over the past century. Working at Conti Federal means that everyday, our employees embrace a mindset of striving to learn and improve. Throughout our organization, we foster formal professional growth and cultivate a growth mindset. Our priority on learning and progress creates an environment where our people acquire new skills, become adept at solving problems, and ultimately, forge their own career paths.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Our constant eye on innovation has helped our company thrive for over a century of incredible change. At Conti Federal, we are always striving to evolve. We recognize that successful businesses 20 years from now may be very different from the successful businesses of today. As a result, we are always challenging our people to be proactive, pursue new opportunities, and embrace change as a means to grow.


The people who work at Conti Federal are proud to be part of our organization. Working at Conti Federal means having pride in our history, our people, and our work ethic as well as having pride in who we partner with and pride in the high standards we have in place to deliver quality results in everything that we do. It's our brand promise and commitment to get the job Done Once. Done Right.

Our Code of Ethics

Conti Federal conducts business – and expects all of our business partners to conduct business with Conti Federal and others – fairly, impartially, with the highest degree of ethical behavior, and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Outlined in our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct Guidelines are expected behaviors for all Conti Federal employees and business partners.

Every employee or business partner has the responsibility to ask questions, seek guidance, and report suspected violations of Conti Federal’s ethics code. Retaliation against any employee or business partner who raises genuine concern in good faith will not be tolerated.

Conti Federal’s Ethics Office can be reached at 1-855-266-8434.